On bauoutlet.shop free delivery in all cantons for orders starting at CHF 250.00

General warnings

Metarredo sagl, i.e. Bauoutlet.shop E-Commerce, Via Resiga, 16, 6883 Novazzano, Switzerland (hereinafter "Bauoutlet E-Commerce"), makes available on its website (www.bauoutlet.shop) general information and other websites viewable through links or other tools. The following indications also apply to information accessible, for example, by subscribing to newsletters. The content of the website is aimed at individuals and companies domiciled or based in Switzerland.

Warranty and Liability

Bauoutlet E-Commerce does not provide assurances or offers guarantees of any kind, explicitly or implicitly, in relation to the functions and information contained on the website. Bauoutlet E-Commerce does not guarantee the correctness, timeliness, completeness, reliability or the availability of the website, nor that the website is free from viruses or errors. Subject to the mandatory right, Bauoutlet E-Commerce declines all responsibility for direct and indirect damages deriving from the use or access to elements of the website (or from the impossibility of using or accessing the website itself). This also includes liability due to negligence and also applies if Bauoutlet E-Commerce is informed of the possibility of such consequences.

Links to external websites

The website may contain links to external websites of third parties, over whose contents Bauoutlet E-Commerce has no influence. Linking to third party websites is always at your own risk. Consequently, Bauoutlet E-Commerce also cannot assume any guarantee and/or liability for such third-party content. The respective provider or operator is always responsible for the contents of linked pages. However, in the event of violations of the law, Bauoutlet E-Commerce will immediately remove the respective links.


Bauoutlet E-Commerce reserves all rights (in particular copyright and trademark rights) with regard to all contents and structure of the website. The downloading or printing of pages and/or parts of them which are part of the website are only permitted for private purposes, provided that the copyright symbol or other protected symbols are removed. This does not in any case imply the granting of a license or the right to use an image, a registered trademark or a logo. Bauoutlet E-Commerce will adopt all the legal measures foreseen to ensure the respect of these rights. For software, music titles, etc. downloaded, the user will receive a non-exclusive and non-assignable right of use in the agreed extent or, in the absence of a specific agreement, in accordance with the purpose pursued with the availability and assignment. No other rights of use and exploitation exist. In particular, the reproduction, marketing, transfer or disclosure of software, music titles, etc. is not permitted.

No offers

The offers are non-binding and non-binding. Bauoutlet E-Commerce reserves the right to make changes, supplement, delete or publish parts of the pages temporarily or permanently or the entire offer.

Data protection

Bauoutlet E-Commerce processes personal data in full compliance with current privacy regulations in Switzerland. Bauoutlet E-Commerce receives, saves, uses and processes personal data only in compliance with the Bauoutlet E-Commerce personal data protection regulations.

Applicable law and competent court

Swiss law applies exclusively. Except for disputes related to consumer contracts, the exclusive jurisdiction is located at the headquarters of Bauoutlet E-Commerce. For disputes relating to consumer contracts, the court at the domicile or headquarters of one of the parties is competent for the customer's requests, while for Bauoutlet E-Commerce requests the court at the domicile of Metarredo sagl is competent.